When is the best time to do Cardio?

When it comes to losing weight or trying to build muscle, when is the best time to do cardio? Let’s first say that, for most people it really can depend on how your body functions. If you feel better doing cardio early morning, and then weight lifting in the afternoon, then that is fine. If you are trying to lose weight, the best time to do cardio can be right after weight lifting. This is because your fat storage does not fully kick in until around 30 minutes. You will be burning some fat before this, but not as much. Cardio can be done for about 30 to 45 minutes of low to moderate intensity after weight training. 

You can say, “well if I want to lose weight but gain muscle, then should I do cardio another time?” It might be better to do your cardio another time than right after, but not at first. If your goal is to burn more fat, then right after weight training is key. If you are trying to do both, than it can be good to switch it up. So do cardio another time of the day, but also do it right after weight training. But, do not over do it on the cardio after weight training. If you are trying to build muscle but still want to do cardio, it might be better to do cardio another time during the day. This might make you burn muscle more than fat if you do it right after, especially if you do not have to lose that much weight in the first place.

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