Three Key Steps to Weight Loss

Today, we are in a world where taking supplements and pills can make your weight disappear. Personally, I don’t agree that is how weight loss should be done. Are taking supplements bad for you? Depends how much and what those supplements are, but at times they can be beneficial. When it comes to your own health, mind and body, you must not just focus on the short term but long, too. There are three major key topics to focus on when it comes to losing weight. They are your weight training, cardio and nutrition. Now, are there people who never lifted weights but just ate better and lost weight? Yes, of course. But something to keep in mind is, weight training will not get you bulky unless you want that. It will build strength, help burn more calories, help support your skeletal structure of your body, and help prevent injuries.

When it comes to doing cardio, which a lot of people hate. But, it must be done. Reasons? When it comes to losing weight, doing cardio will also help you burn more fat, even more when combined with weight training. A good time to do cardio can be after weight lifting, this can help burn into your fat storage more. But, there have been recent studies saying that doing cardio right after can burn muscle off. This can be true to a point. If you are weight lifting for hours, then run on the treadmill for an hour, yes that can be too much. But, doing around 45 minutes to an hour of moderate to heavy lifting, then about 30 minutes of light to moderate cardio after is okay. Switching it up can help, such as weight lifting in the morning and cardio at night. Remember too, that everyone functions different. You may feel way better separating the two because you feel you have more energy. That is fine to do. Listen to your body, if you feel tired think about taking a rest day or separating them.

Nutrition is probably one if the biggest topics out of these three. Some people say that calories are calories and if you are burning more of those calories than consumed, you will lose weight and look great. For the most part, this isn’t true. It has some truth that yes, burning more than eating you will lose weight. But, you will feel, look and perform a lot more differently. There is no way that a 2000 calorie diet of fast food, soda and other junk food even compare to a 2000 calorie diet of vegetables, chicken, fruits, fish and so on. These will have a big impact on overall health short term and long term. Eating healthier will help drop weight a lot faster and more safely than junk food. The healthier you try to eat, this can reduce heart problems, cancers, cholesterol and obesity, especially long term. If there is anything you must do if you do not work out, is at least try your best to eat healthy. Make the right choices, take care of your body for yourself and your family.

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