Three Causes of Obesity

Today, there are reasons obesity can occur. But, let’s look at the top three causes. First genetics. Now, if a child has parents that are obese, and the child doesn’t eat well, most likely they will be obese, too. This isn’t always true, of course. But. for the most part, this can be a quick way for someone, especially at a young age to become obese. This can easily be changed through nutrition. When our parents or family member are obese though, for some reason they do not feel the need to give a healthier life for their children. Generally, if the parents are lazy about their own nutrition, most of the time they will be lazy with their children’s, too.


The second cause of obesity is of course just nutrition in general. Rather from a young age, where this can start, or later in life. Sometimes people just get to a point where they do not care about their bodies. A lot of people do work and that becomes an excuse for not eating well. There can be an excuse for everything in life. The healthier eat, the more in shape someone can be. Also, possibly live a longer life. Another good reason to eat better is, this will reduce heart diseases, blood problems, and even reduce some cancers. The point is, we should not eat healthy just because society says it can be beneficial. We must eat healthier, or choose healthier foods because it truly is good for our bodies and mind.


The third reason I want to say society with all its media, which yes that can be a major factor. But, everything all comes down to a person’s mindset. If a person is obese, eating bad, watching a lot of tv or just hanging around, the only person to blame is themselves. We can blame people, society all day, but at the end it must be your own mind that makes you change how you are. If you are not happy and unhealthy, well, who is going to make you get up and change who you are? The mind needs to change for how you eat, exercise or just live your daily life. If you feel you want to be healthier but don’t change anything, that is all on you to change how you think.


The Obesity Code

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