There are many times that we get that inpsiration, want to go to the gym, and then not really feel it. We tend to try and find motivation through other people, which can really help. This way you can be pushed more then usual, and also be able to have short rest periods. Grab a friend to start working out with you, try new workouts and just have fun. If working out with other people is not your thing, then find something that will motivate you, is the key. One thing to help gain the energy you need, is simply music. There are so many genres and songs, but you have to find the type that will get you going. It does not matter if it is classical, hip hop, or even country music.
Other key factors for getting motivated or the “energy” to get moving, can have a lot to do with how you eat, sleep, or just environmental issues. If you want to read more about environmental, check out a process called your Circadian Rhythm. Link is at the bottom to direct you to the page on this. So when it comes to your food, make sure to get a lot of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and lean meats. The healthier you eat, the more energy you will have in the morning and through out the day.
When it comes to the mental side of trying to be motivated. You have to ask yourself, how bad do I want it? When you wake up everyday, and tell yourself “today will be the day I start to workout, and change my life”. What do you really do? Do you get motivated, and go to the gym three to six days a week, or does the motivation run dry? It is the desire to want to be better for yourself, not because of how someone else looks. Lets say you push yourself really hard for six months to a year. You start looking amazing, eating healthier, feeling much better, and just being happier in general. Then there can also be the other side, where you kind of go to the gym, don’t really eat well, and six months to a year down the road you look and feel the same. Which would you choose?