One of the top fitness blogs out there today. The blogs are very simple and mainly to the the point. There is no need for tons of ads interrupting the blog. The blog posts are about health, workouts, motivation, nutrition, the mind and body, new health science evidence, and much more.
2 chicken breasts
1 teaspoon cumin
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 can diced tomatoes with green chilies
Add chicken to the bottom of the slow cooker, sprinkle seasonings on top and then cover with diced tomatoes. Cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4-6 hours. Shred chicken and allow it to remain in sauce.
Stuffed Peppers
4 bell peppers your choice of color
2 cups Mexican rice
1 shredded chicken breast from the above recipe
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 can black beans rinsed and drained
Bring a large pot of water to boil. While you are waiting for the water to boil, rinse peppers, slice off the tops and hollow out the insides, be sure to remove any seeds and the white part inside. If desired, use a small paring knife to cut out a jack-o-lantern face. When water is boiling, put the peppers and tops in and allow to cook for about 5 minutes until peppers are tender. Remove from water and set aside to cool. Mix the cooked rice, shredded chicken, cheddar cheese, and black beans together in a large bowl. Fill each pepper with the chicken and rice mixture and top with extra cheese, if desired. Replace pepper top back on top. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes until cheese is melted and pepper is done to desired tenderness. Alternately, once peppers are stuffed, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate, when ready to cook, preheat oven to 350, remove plastic wrap and bake for 1 hour.
Not everyone is the same when it comes to exercise. I grew up with a big sports and fitness background, so that has always been with me. I had grown up overseas in the middle east (Saudi Arabia) due to my father’s job, yes, a shock to most. While living there for 11 years, my parents for 21, there was so much to do. I was always outside, playing soccer, tennis, basketball, skateboarding, tag, you name it. My father used to compete in power lifting, and my mother has her PhD in nutrition. My mom always tells me about foods, type of drinks, and what they can do to your body. Sure, I do drink alcohol at times and eat some junk food, but it is very limited. Fast foods? Almost never.
My Gym Life
Right now, I am 26 years old. I started lifting weights in high school. Weight training isn't something I got into just because I had a certification. I would always go to the gym with my friends, and of course at that time, we thought we were the strongest. Well, as the years went on, I found out I could get a lot stronger. Being in the gym and just doing the reps to me, feels amazing. Just pushing yourself, knowing my body is getting healthier and stronger is amazing. You look and feel good, especially if you keep at it. Eventually, it becomes a lifestyle.
After years of training in high school, I went on to college. A lot of time was spent playing soccer, but the other times, I was lifting in the gym. If I skipped a few days, even now, I feel lazy. So, always pushing yourself and getting a routine going can change everything. I lifted through college, getting myself stronger. But, I also was learning so much more. Just breathing techniques, better form, feet positioning, targeting muscles better, and more. This was one thing that made me want to become a trainer. Knowing there could be so much to teach people about fitness and the gym, it felt good.
Personal Training
The reason I had become a training was because there was a lot I knew about weight lifting. Of course, I wanted to share my knowledge with my clients. I have been a personal trainer now for two years and I do love it. There is always something new to do or learn, if you have an open mind. The reason I train people, is because I know it’s good for their bodies now and in the future. Someone can add extra years onto their life just by exercising and eating well. That is an amazing thought. To push people and know I helped them lose weight, gain strength, muscle, and mostly knowledge is a great feeling.
One thing that drove me to the training side, was fixing peoples form. Seeing people in the gym, You Tube, “fitness models” on Instagram, just performing bad form, drives me crazy. A lot of these people are famous. Even when I walk by people sometimes doing incorrect form, I stop, show them how to do it correctly and move on. To me, that is motivating. Being able to give people knowledge, especially something that comes easy to me, makes me want to keep going. It has nothing to do with trying to prove myself to anyone, I truly love showing people a better way of doing an exercise.
My Fitness Mindset
There is one thing that keeps me motivated while working out, that is focus. There are so many distractions out there, people, social media, and more. You must find your zone and stay there. One thing that drives me crazy is people want to look a certain way, but talk half the time in the gym. Don’t be that person. Stay focused, get into your zone, and get the results you always wanted. If you want to socialize, call each other on the phone or hangout at your houses. This is the mindset you must have. The desire to be better, stronger, mentally and physically.
My motivation is always knowing I can do more. If I do a certain amount of repetitions, I try to do 1 more, maybe 2 etc. Another major motivation, is getting my body ready for the future. If you are young especially, start now and continue. As the body gets older, the bones, muscles, and ligaments start to get weak. So, weight train, even if it’s light to keep the muscles strong and active. My fitness motivation isn’t posting to social media hoping people will see my abs. Most people don’t care. My motivation is myself, how I can keep going, and how I can push just as hard or harder in the gym. The better you perform in the gym and make yourself healthier, that can change your whole life outside the gym as well. Of course, the number one motivation is helping people better there life, physically and mentally.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact me below.
Most of these exercises have a lot in common. They use multiple body parts, can burn more calories, and overall increase performance. These exercises do not involve isolating muscles such as only doing biceps and triceps. Are isolating muscles okay to do? Yes, but there is no need for them as much as you think, if you perform these exercises regularly. These are not new trends, these are basic exercises you need to understand. So, take notes, learn and any questions please leave them in the comments below.
Dead lifts
Sumo dead lift
Dead lifts are one of the main exercises you should be adding into your workout routine weekly or bi weekly. It doesn’t need to be heavy all the time like most people think. Just by doing them, even light for 15 to 20 reps is still good for you. The reason for dead lifts, is because it is a full body movement. You are using legs, back, shoulders, arms, forearms, hands, calf’s and more. If your goal is weight loss, building strength or gaining muscle, dead lifts will help get you there.
Regular stance. Feet can be shoulder width a part on here.
There is a difference if you have back problems, then you should focus on strengthening other areas of your body. If you are thinking how will you get your arms bigger just by doing dead lifts, well, getting bigger means eating more or taking tons of supplements, whether you do dead lifts or arms. You don’t need to be doing arms 2 times a week to get results. Your main lifts such as dead lifts, if done consistently, adding weight, changing the reps and sets, you will see results. You can still add isolation movements, but don’t make them above the bigger lifts. Sumo can target different areas of the muscles. Also can be used for heavy lifting.
This can rather be in the squat rack with weights or body weight exercises. Of course, adding weight will help burn more calories, gain strength and muscle more than just your body alone. But, performing squats uses multiple body parts. So, this means burning more calories, strengthening muscles you normally wouldn’t with machines. By performing squats, you use your core a lot more, can help a lot with balance, and gain confidence performing other exercises. Does this mean you should avoids using machines? No, because machines help put different stress on the muscles which you need.
Performing squats can tell you a lot about your body. For example, if you perform squats and your knees buckle in slightly, this means you might have weak hip flexors. That is why it’s important to get these big exercises down, because it makes you use muscles you normally wouldn’t. If you are coming out of physical therapy, performing squats will help with balance and overall strength. Squats work a lot more muscles than some think. If performed with a barbell, squats work the toes, calf’s, hamstrings, glutes, quads, core, shoulders, biceps, back and other muscles. So, it’s so important to perform squats. If you don’t really know how, there are plenty of free workouts at the link below.
Check out other top exercises
Clean to press
Start position left than right. Continue on to next photo.
Not everyone performs this movement, but another close exercise behind this is the simple standing military press. The clean to press involves a lot more body movement which can burn more calories. I think the better way to perform this, is not with your arms out super wide and arms behind you like cross fit does. Simply keep the elbows tucked in, everything tight and controlled, and don’t let the weight touch the ground until the reps are done. The reason is, because you keep the stress on the muscles the whole time, instead of stopping for a second then going again. Unless you are going for low reps and strength, it might be okay to stop.
This exercise will help a lot with eendurance, speed, strength, weight loss, balance, and muscle building. Always start light if have not performed these before or any exercise. Exercises like these will help get you to your weight loss goal a lot faster, but in a safe way. This is another exercise that will help gain that muscle size, too. Of course, if that isn’t what you are looking for, that doesn’t mean it will happen. People have different goals, so that means how they eat and perform can be different.
Recommended Recommended
Bench Press
This exercise is one of the most common exercises that most people perform. This can be dumbbell bench press or barbell press. The difference in those, is that dumbbells can help with strengthening both arms separately, which can help perform with a barbell bench press, too. Just like the other exercises, this exercise using multiple body parts. The chest, triceps, biceps, core, shoulders and more. Sure, certain muscles are getting used more, but that doesn’t mean other muscles are not.
If you want that definition in your arms, that doesn’t always mean doing triceps exercises. Performing chest exercises can define your arms more than you think, and better than isolation exercises. A lot of us have these misconceptions that if you want nice arms, you need to do bicep curls. This isn’t true at all. By performing on the bench press, you will help with you core, help define your shoulders, chest and arms. The bench press will help with upper body strength, weight loss and muscle building. So, don’t avoid these to do triceps exercises instead.
Pull ups
These are normally wide grip pull ups. This doesn’t mean you cannot perform chin ups, which is underhand and close grip. The difference is you will be using different parts of your back muscles and arms. But, over all the movement is almost similar. So, pull ups help with over all upper body strength. Whether you perform them assisted and work your way towards noon assisted, or perform them with the weight belt around you, they are very good or you. This exercise will help with strength, weight loss due to multiple body parts being used, and muscle increase. This does not mean getting “bulky”, just simply means adding muscle while losing fat.
Studies that have shown a link between contestant exercise and a lower risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer, reoccurring. It’s recommend that women should still be exercising the recommended 150 minutes a week. Generally, around moderate intensity. If exercise benefits women with breast cancer and after treatment, that means exercise, even if you don’t have cancer, is beneficial to your health.
According to Exercise Reduces Risk, but Benefits Disappear if Women Stop Exercising, that It’s unsure exactly though how long the low risk last if women stop exercising. Also, it’s unsure when the low risk starts. Overall, the risks are lowered due to constant exercise. You must realize how serious this information can be. If you know someone who has breast cancer, in or out of treatment or no caner at all, realize how important exercising for your body is.
“A French study had recently found that postmenopausal women who exercise regularly in the last 4 years, had a lower risk of breast cancer. This is compared to those women who exercised less in those 4 years” (BC). Scientist that had been doing this study found another interesting thing, too. “Researchers found that postmenopausal women who had exercised regularly between 5 and 9 years earlier but were less active in the past 4 years didn’t have a lower risk of breast cancer” (BC). The older the body gets, realize the impact in and out that your body is going through. You must exercise now and for the future. I am sure most people or women reading this, don’t have a plan to get breast cancer. If it runs in the family, start exercising and eating healthier. This can change and possibly save your life.
Recommended Book
Studies shown that “Women who regularly exercised in the previous 4 years – the equivalent of walking about 4 hours per week (or cycling or doing more intense exercise 2 hours per week) – had a 10% lower risk of breast cancer than women who exercised less than that. The researchers also found that if women stopped exercising, the risk-reducing benefits quickly disappeared” (BC). So, due to this research done, it shows how important exercise is. The thing to take from these studies, is not exercise just because it's breast cancer awareness month and now you must be motivated. The truth, you must be exercise for the years to come, if you are not already. Think about your body, there is only one that you have. So get up, exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day, and be healthier.
In a recent study, about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. The number has been decreasing since the early 2000s. This is said to be a link due to hormone replacement therapy, but this is a theory as of now. In a man’s lifetime, the risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000. So, even though the risk is lower in men, and usually has been, this doesn't mean a man shouldn't workout as much. Men and women should be working out all the time, improving yourself and changing your health in a positive way.
Not all, but a lot of people don’t really start exercising until they realize it’s too late. They worked for years, gained weight, didn’t treat their health right, and issues can occur. Breast cancer can be genetic, but what if you exercise and it reduced the risk? You could be able to liver a longer life. What if you made the decision to take care of your body? Life has its ups and downs, and some things you can’t control. But, you can control how you look, feel, and how your future can turn out. Eat better, exercise consistently, and you can change your life, you have a choice, make it happen.
Exercise Reduces Risk, but Benefits Disappear if Women Stop Exercising. Exercise and Risk Factors.
When it comes to exercise, a lot of people say they want to look a certain way, be a certain person, and feel a certain way. One issue, is that most of those people don’t work hard enough for it. Sure, there are people that do and achieve big results. But, when you get to the gym you must ask yourself, what do you really want? If you see yourself a certain way, don’t limit yourself on how you should get there. Push your body and get results, but not hurting yourself. Let’s take a look at 4 quick ways to help you be better in the gym or exercise in general.
Work Hard
We hear this all the time, “work hard” and you can get the results you want. This is true. There is a big difference in someone who does the minimum 3 sets of 15 reps and moves on to the next exercise, compared to someone who does 4,5, or 6 sets until they feel like they can’t push anymore. Those people do one rep more, one more, and one more again. If you need to rest 5 to 10 seconds and continue again, do it. The point isn’t to compare yourself to others, but realize the difference in someone that you see who is in good shape, compared to someone who is not. Yes, their nutrition is probably better, but this is about the gym not food.
Working hard means doing an extra set or rep even though you really don’t want to. You need to find your zone, whatever that may be. If that is music or motivation YouTube videos etc. It is not about working hard once or twice, it’s about working hard every single time you workout. If you want to give up, work harder. You will be surprised how far the human body can actually go, being safe though, of course.
Push yourself
Don’t be afraid or overthink the fact that you can do more reps and sets. If you are sitting there and feel like you can do more, do more. Sometimes, just don’t worry about the number you do, just do more. When you go to the gym and look in the mirror, what do you see? If you imagine yourself in better shape, do it. If you are confused on what exercises to do, there is so much resources online to help there should be no excuse. There are enough workout programs on my site that can help guide you.
If you feel as if you cannot do another set, rest and do another one. This will separate you from other people. If you are not how you want to look, you must push yourself harder. Take less rest periods, do more sets or reps. You can change your life and make yourself better. Next time you go to the gym, hike, or exercise at home, know in your mind that it will be different from now on. Know you are going to push harder than the last time you worked out.
One thing to really focus on, is to put your cell phones down and do the reps. A lot of people stare at their phones, go on social media, text people etc. It’s one thing to pick your music, but other than that, send a text, “sorry I’m at the gym, will ttyl”. Go to the gym, grab the weights and focus on doing more. Focus on pushing past the point where you think you might stop. Get in your zone and talk less at the gym. One day when you are the way you always imagined, you will think back on how focused you were and determined.
Let go of distractions or people around you. Focus on the form and what you must be getting done. Focus on being disciplined and achieving your goals. Keep your image clear on what exactly you want. If you are trying to lose weight, build muscle, compete or more, stay focused and achieve that goal. When you start looking better than people around you, they will get motivated and ask what you have been doing. Make a difference, focus on you, and focus on being better when it comes to exercise.
When you get to the gym and have a lot on your mind, well guess what, so does everyone else. If you want to create a better you physically, stop worrying about issues. You must stay so focused that nothing will bring you down. Life is so short, that when you look back you will wonder why you worried about that issue now. The easier you can get over something, the stronger you will become mentally and physically. If you feel down and sad, well guess what, get up and move anyway. Go exercise and make yourself stronger and better every day.
The mind can pay games on you. The mind will bring you down, but guess what, you can control how you feel. Focus on a strong mindset. If you start your day off with a bad mindset, you might be upset all day. If you have a strong mindset, you can get over issues faster and move on. Change your mindset, see your goals ahead, push yourself, and work harder than anyone else.