Complete these exercises as rounds. Perform at least 3 rounds and work up to 5.
Rest as needed, but try to push through as much as you can.
Complete these exercises as rounds. Perform at least 3 rounds and work up to 5.
At the end of each round you can rest longer. Around 1 – 1.5 min at most.
Ice skates – 24 (12 each side)
- Try to keep a fast pace going on these. Start slow to get the movement.
V ups – 15 reps
Alternating jumping lungesĀ – 24 (12 each side)
Plank rolls – 24 (12 each side)
- Alternate left to right
One leg Romanian dead lift – 15 each side (on leg at a time)
Glute kick back – 25 each side (one leg at a time)
- Start with knee forward and squeeze the abs.
- Kick the leg straight and squeeze the glutes.