Complete these exercises as rounds. Perform at least 3 rounds and work up to 5.
Rest as needed, but try to push through as much as you can.
If you cannot do a certain number of reps below, do as many as you can and move on to the next exercise.
At the end of each round you can rest longer. Around 1 – 1.5 min.
Cross plank knee drives – 30 reps (15 each side)
Jump squats – 15 reps
Side step to squat exercise – 15 each (one leg at a time then switch)
Jumping jacks exercise – 40 reps
Mountain climbers exercise – 30 seconds
- Try to keep a fast pace on these. Almost like trying to run.
- Keep the but down and straight as you can.
Russian twist – 40 total (20 each side)